December 23, 2004

Dinosaur Jr: reissues of the first three albums

Reissues of classic Dinosaur Jr albums is imminent:

Attention, adoring fans of Dinosaur Jr: Get off of eBay this instant. As Pitchfork previously noted, J Mascis and the (since departed) boys will mine the ol' back catalog, releasing the band's beloved first three albums-- long out-of-print, alas-- on Merge Records March 22nd. Dinosaur, You're Living All Over Me and Bug will each feature a track or two of bonus material-- the first album has a bonus live track, and the second and third each feature two videos. The original album art will be complemented by the usual pointy-headed thoughtful liner note commentary from Thurston Moore, Mike Watt, Robert Pollard, writer Byron Coley, and filmmaker Alison Anders. Furthermore, Mascis has remastered the whole shebang.

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