February 19, 2006

End of the line for dimeadozen.org?


Is it a legal matter, baby?

Question: Is the site down?
Answer: No, otherwise the server wouldn't had responded to your request.
Question: Is the site stopped?
Answer: Yes, otherwise you would see the homepage instead.
Question: How long will it be stopped?
Answer: Who knows?
Question: Is it stopped for tech or legal reasons?
Answer: Come on! How often have it been legal reasons, recently?
Question: Shall I post to the mailing list about the site being down, stopped, not available, whatever? Or to the mods' desk?
Answer: Lord, have mercy upon us!
Question: Anymore questions unanswered?
Answer: We don't think so!
Don't lose heart!


That was two hours ago. The new message:


EzTorrent is stopped due to software or DB maintenance.
Please try again later. Thank you!
Take care!


» dimeadozen.org

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