June 03, 2006

Webcast: The Sound of Adrian Borland

It took 14 years, but it's finally released ...

May 31 2006, the album 'The Amsterdam Tapes' of the British artist Adrian Borland, who had died in 1999, was released. Borland was the singer/guitarist of the legendary London based band The Sound. In the summer of 1992 Dutchmen Victor Heeremans and Bart van Poppel had recorded 14 songs with Borland in Amsterdam. After the label had disapproved of the recordings they disappeared in Van Poppel's closet for over 10 years. 14 years later this unique material is finally released and will be presented at Paradiso on June 4.

The Sound of Adrian Borland
Webcast 2006/06/04
Starts: 8:00 PM local time (GMT +1)

» fabchannel.com

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