
September 23, 2008

Jam in the 'Dam: no 2009 edition

The three day Amsterdam Jam in the 'Dam fest will skip 2009 due to serious illness:

If you are not a frequent guest at our message board you may not have heard about situation that the JitD founder, Armand Sadlier, finds himself in. You can click on 'message board' to get more details, but the long and short of it is that Armand is in need of a double-lung transplant.

Even in the wake of going through this process, we were striving to still present the show in 2009. We have sadly come to the conclusion that since this is his baby, and something that requires his personal attention, that it just wasn't feasable to pull off the show for 2009. So, it is with great sadness that we announce there will not be a Jam in the Dam for 2009.

We know that many of our fans will be disappointed, but the best thing is for Armand to focus all of his efforts on recovering, and getting back on the case for 2010.


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