
October 23, 2008

Brian Lee & His Orchestra: Vol. 1

Nashville trio Brian Lee & His Orchestra play slow songs with gospel and soul lurking in the background. Band leader Brian Lee claims that the music on Vol. 1 is "written with the driver on the road and the early morning cup of black coffee in mind". So what you get are soulful pop songs that tap you on the shoulder, telling you that life is not so bad after all.

If you like acoustic Neil Young downloading this free album is a no-brainer. Chalk up another band to watch for your Americana list. Brian Lee & His Orchestra play the kind music you are likely to hear when the Coen Brothers need a wide shot that zooms in ever so slowly. And be sure to put it on your portable MP3 thingy when you plan a long train trip.

Brian Lee & His Orchestra:
Brian Lee: singing and guitar, bass
Jordan Wankel: organ, wurlitzer, bells, keyboards
Ryan Young: drums

Adam Kiefer helped out on bass.

Brian Lee & His Orchestra: Vol. 1

Vol 1. is released as a free download from

  1. Just Got Off A Train
  2. Wake Up
  3. The Other Side
  4. To Know Your Love
  5. Cleaned Out My Pockets
  6. Love And Roses
  7. Help Me To Hold On
Live date:
  • 11/02 Hillsboro Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, Illinois


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