
November 12, 2008

Gov't Mule 2008 torrents: 2008/11/11 Royal Oak

Gov't Mule

One more Mule show for you.

Gov't Mule
Royal Oak Music Theatre
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA

Disc I 1st Set
  1. Bad Little Doggie >
  2. Streamline Woman
  3. Don't Step On The Grass Sam
  4. He Ain't Give You None
  5. Kind Of Bird
  6. Left Coast Groovies >
  7. A World of Difference
  8. Almost Cut My Hair *
Disc II 2nd Set
  1. Piano Jam >
  2. Thirty Days in the Hole >
  3. I Don't Need No Doctor
  4. Fallen Down >
  5. The Other One Jam >
  6. Fallen Down >
  7. She Said She Said >
  8. Tomorrow Never Knows >
  9. Painted Silver Light >
Disc III 2nd Set Con't
  1. Drum Solo
  2. Lola Leave YOur Light On >
  3. Mule >
  4. Superstition >
  5. Mule
  6. E: Crowd/Tuning
  7. Take Your Hand Out of My Pocket #
  8. Let it Rock #@

* With Davey Knowles of Back Door Slam on Guitar and Vocals
# With Jim McCarty on Guitar and Vocals
@ With Johnny B. on Drums

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