
June 08, 2011

Yellowbirds: "The Reason" video

Watch the new Yellowbirds vidoe for A Reason, a track from their album The Color. Main man Sam Cohen about the creation of the video:

This video was in collaboration with Michael Arthur and was a joy to make from start to finish. Michael is an incredible illustrator and granted me access to 10 years worth of sketch pad drawings to animate into a music video. This was the easiest animation project I’ve ever done because his style did all the work for me.
Live dates:
  • 06/09 Boston, MA @ Cameo Gallery $
  • 06/23 Brooklyn, NY @ Glasslands Gallery
  • 07/10 Brooklyn, NY @ Bell House ^
  • 07/22 St. Louis, MO @ Off Broadway #
  • 07/23 Knoxville, TN @ Bijou Theatre #
  • 07/24 Birmingham, AL @ Alys Stevens Center #
  • 07/26 Charleston, SC @ Music Farm #
  • 07/27 Carrboro, NC @ Cat's Cradle #

$ w/ Sean Bones
^ w/ Vetiver
# w/ Josh Ritter


HCTF review of The Color.

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