
July 02, 2011

The Saturday Morning Canasta Club: If I Were a Little Birdie

The Saturday Morning Canasta Club are a bunch of idealists from London, operating as the house band of London community Abubilla Music. With a core of musicians and talented students they release albums that the celebrate the mix tape concept.

Their third album is entitled If I Were a Little Birdie and once more filled with a wide variety of musical genres - pop, rock, country, jazz, music hall, folk - all sharing one thing: its all about the song. Thus you get a song about a pissed-off woman who has had it with a runaway lover who never makes it back to her (500 Letters From New York) and chimps going into orbit (Monkey Space Camp).

With a wry sense of humour, it's a typically English album with the vocals upfront. They have some strong tales to tell, some of them based on real life events. Founded on great lyrics and a fly-by-wire approach to the actual recording process, this album goes straight for your gut and it will put a smile on your face.

The Saturday Morning Canasta Club: If I Were a Little Birdie

If I Were a Little Birdie is a self-released album. Buy it from the band's website.

  1. No Bells
  2. Angel of the Dark
  3. 500 Letters from New York
  4. Depth Perception
  5. Starin' at My Shoes
  6. TWIRL
  7. Whisper
  8. Loved One's Call
  9. Strange Clock
  10. Cold Light of Day
  11. Tuesday in May
  12. Wisconsin
  13. Monkey Space Camp

All profits go to a project in Kenya:

We are working with Ketebul Music in Kenya to raise funds for a couple of mobile recording studios and to train studio engineers, to ensure that village music is preserved and promoted. Please check out the details of this project and get involved – we need money and volunteers, with a more urgent need for the former to be frank. All profits from our first three CDs will go to this project, so buy our music and tell your friends about it.

Video: Monkey Space Camp - The Saturday Morning Canasta Club


HCTF review of Misery Marmalade and Other Spanish Jams.

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