
August 29, 2014

Broeder Dieleman: Gloria

photo: Mechteld Jansen

Broeder Dieleman, nom-de-plume of Dutch folk singer Tonnie Dieleman, grew up in a strict environment. No sex, drugs or rock 'n' roll, but fire and brimstone. The Dutch reformed church turned out to be in blessing in disguise, inspiring him to write to gentle songs sung in the dialect of Zeeuws Vlaanderen - think sprawling polders, straight roads and and trees standing in line. His music is sparse and minimal, with banjo and piano as his main instruments.

His new album Gloria is about love, nature and religion, not necessarily in that order. He doesn't want to get even, but he look upon the church elders as a group of people whose intentions he will never fully grasp. They remain a mystery to him and the same goes for the fairer sex. Dieleman feels more comfortable when he sings about birds, like the great cormorants (Aalscholvers) and the jackdaw (Kauwtje).

By recording the album in his own home the songs have an intimacy that would have eluded him in the studio. Outside noises were allowed to creep in, like the jackdaws having a row in Zusterstraat. Unfamiliar the Dutch language in general or this particular dialect in particular? Don't let it put you off. Dieleman has a voice that gets his message across. There's plenty of Grace (Genade genoeg) for everyone, no matter what your personal beliefs are.

Gloria is released through Snowstar Records. Release date: September 5th.

  1. Gloria
  2. Aalscholvers
  3. Kauwtje
  4. Voor Janna en Lieve
  5. Zusterstraat
  6. Leger van de Heer
  7. Adriana
  8. Genade genoeg
  9. In excelsis Deo

Live dates:
  • 09/07 Huiskamerfestival, Groede
  • 09/11 Vleeshal, Middelburg (ambient show)
  • 09/12 Oude Cinema, Middelburg (album release party w/ Baby Dee)
  • 09/15 Kapel van Hoogelande, Middelburg *
  • 09/16 Doopsgezinde kerk, Utrecht *
  • 09/17 Statenzaal, Zwolle *
  • 09/18 Kerkje van Persingen, Nijmegen *
  • 09/19 Noorse kerk, Rotterdam *
  • 09/20 Obergumer kerk, Winsum *
  • 09/21 Red Cinema Sessions, Amsterdam
  • 09/26 Westerkerk, Goes (album release party gebroeders Bin)

* w/ Bonnie Prince Billy


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