
December 09, 2014

No Ninja Am I: Broken Dice

No Ninja Am I, a project by Amsterdam based musician Sander van Munster, take the spoken concept to the limit on the new Broken Dice EP. The songs were recorded in his apartment, using an acoustic guitar as his main instrument, with gentle electronics and keyboards contributing to the dreamy atmosphere.

With outside help from friends providing bass, trumpet, viola and electric guitar, Van Munster never raises his voice, demanding silence and undivided attention. He turned the Dutch nursery rhyme Zo Gaat De Molen into an afterhours jazz tune and the treated vocals in the title track make his poetic lyrics ("the crash test dummies turning a blinding eyes") even more compelling. He is a pied piper whose intentions are good. Draw the shades, dim the lights, open a bottle of wine and press play.

Sander van Munster: vocals, guitar
Coen Hamelink: trumpet on 2 & 4
Gijs Kerkhoven: viola on 4 & 5, backing vocals on 5
Rens van en Boogaard: electric guitar on 4 & 5
Chris Siegers: bass on 3

Broken Dice is a self-released EP. Buy it from his website. The CD version also includes the 2013 EP Vegas. Release date: December 12th.

  1. As Long As You Like
  2. Zo Gaat De Molen
  3. Broken Dice
  4. Perfection
  5. Spin The Wheel
  6. Siren Song II

Van Munster is working with a band on a new full-length for 2015.

» No Ninja Am I on Facebook

HCTF review of Hold Still & Watch (w/Sue le Chasseur).

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