
January 22, 2015

Trip to Dover: tour dates

Dutch electronic rock Trip to Dover are on the road promoting their latest EP Kiss Fight Dance.

Live dates:
  • 01/30 De Kleine Generaal, Apeldoorn, Netherlands
  • 01/31 Winterfest 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 02/06 Ndrgrnd, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • 02/27 Stage Music Café, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 02/28 The Sail Mountain, Deurne, Netherlands
  • 03/08 ECI Cultuurfabriek, Roermond, Netherlands
  • 03/28 Café-Hotel Thijssen, Vlierden, Netherlands
  • 07/03 Alojs101 2015, Bautzen, Germany


HCTF review of Kiss Fight Dance.

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