
June 13, 2015

To The Pain: 7

NYC trash metal band To The Pain have a listened a lot to the big four for their new mini album 7. The mix is rather murky and the backing vocals need some work. It is enjoyable batch of songs about perennial metal themes death and destruction. It's all done before, but is good enough to blow off some steam after a nasty day at work.

To The Pain:
Steve Shaver: lead guitar, vocals
John Intagliata: lead vocals
Craig Piano: guitar
Jeremy Lustig: bass
Jimmy Klimatas: drums

7 is a self-released album. Buy it from the band's website.

  1. The March For Mankind - Heavens Carnage
  2. Seven
  3. Kill Zone
  4. Is It My Turn To Die
  5. Cry Out For Justice (Final Mix)
  6. Don't Eat The Eyes

Live date:

» To The Pain on Facebook

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