
July 09, 2015

Glass Sines: Connected

Brighton based indie band Glass Sines have found a way to mix dance, electronica and rock. Their debut single Connected has an Eighties feel, with a wailing guitar on top of an old school rhythm track. Rockers can relate to it and ravers will appreciate the boldness and straightforwardness.

Glass Sines are Tom Payne, Ian Upfold, Kate Payne and Sam Doctors. The video was made by Ben Cox and Julian Beresford (Gnarled Apple Products).

Connected is a self-released single. Buy it from their website. Release date: August 24th.

Live dates:
  • 07/17 Hope & Ruin, Brighton
  • 07/31 Hoxton Underbelly, London (Single Launch Party)
  • 08/21 The Haunt, Brighton (Single Launch Party)


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