
November 02, 2015

The Roaring 420s: You Can't Get Out Alive

Dresden based psychedelic garage rock band The Roaring 420s wear their influences on their sleeve on the twelve songs on their second full-length You Can't Get Out Alive, providing the belated missing link between The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys and The Kinks, with a few early Sixties guitar an organ parts thrown in for good measure. These Germans love reverb and sitars, pulling off an album that could be mistaken for a long lost underground record. Time travel will never happen, but these songs come pretty damn close.

With the Jefferson Airplane guitar sound reigning supreme in Flesh Parade, the rumbling rocker Tax-deductible Suicide and the Reed tribute Hey Lou they have at least three songs that could sneaked in into jukebox filled with vintage 45s. Time travel will never happen, but The Roaring 420s come pretty damn close.

You Can't Get Out Alive is a released on It's A Gas! Records. Buy it from their website.

  1. You Can't Get Out Alive
  2. Sweet Destiny
  3. Keep Me Sane, Mary Jane
  4. Hey Lou
  5. Hipster Bums
  6. Flesh Parade
  7. Whatever Palace
  8. Anything You Want (To Be)
  9. Tax-deductible Suicide
  10. Love Knife
  11. I'll Steal You From This Zoo
  12. Star Shine Blues


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