
January 28, 2016

Adrian Belew: new song "You Never Know" for David Bowie

Guitarist Adrian Belew posted a touching song for David Bowie: "You Never Know ". He was an key player of of Bowie's late Seventies and early Nineties output and tours. Belew on Facebook

january 11, 2016. at 8:05 in the morning I woke to the stunning news: david bowie was dead.

I laid in bed for a few minutes thinking about so many david-related things. all the hilarious moments, being onstage together in front of thousands of people, the frightening ride in a Lear jet which had both of us scared out of our minds with our eyes closed....

my mind always returned to the same sentiment: I thought I would see him again. I couldn't believe we would never talk again! a selfish thought but the finality unhinged me.

that whole day was spent juggling unexpected interviews with Time, People, Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, BBC Radio, and more. two of the local tv news channels came out to my studio for live segments. friends called, and my facebook swelled. I didn't have time to think about the world's giant loss nor my own personal one.

the next morning, tuesday, I sat in my bedroom chair and began writing something on acoustic guitar. I worked on it bit by bit over the next week, then I began recording it. I finished it today.

it's called "you never know".

it's straight to the point, sweet, and short. it's all I have to say.

my engineer cameron and I quickly constructed a video. you can find it on YouTube


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