
February 23, 2016

David Bowie: "UNBOUND: A ★InstaMiniSeries" premiers February 25

David Bowie granted permission to InstaMiniSeries for a visual interpretation of his latest album ★. The first episode wil be up on February 25 at 8PM Eastern:

InstaMiniSeries, the innovative channel that creates episodic programming exclusively for the Instagram platform, was given unique pre-release access to the music from ★ (pronounced ‘Blackstar’), the 28th studio album by cultural legend and icon David Bowie. The result of their work with Bowie’s material is UNBOUND: A ★ InstaMiniSeries. The first of 16 episodes premiers Thursday, February 25 at 8PM Eastern, on
New episodes will debut at 8PM Eastern each subsequent Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Watch the trailer here.


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