
March 14, 2016

Richard Lomax & The Tontine: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Mancunian singer and multi-instrumentalist Richard Lomax is streaming another song from the forthcoming new album with his band The Tontine. Weapons of Mass Destruction describes the chemical processes that take over the brain when you fell in love:

The lateral orbito frontal cortex shuts down
BANG goes self evaluation, reason, control, fear and anxiety leave, remember to breathe
Next the amygdala and hippocampus relax which induces a trance like state in you
And it makes me less likely to start a war or small conflict at least.

Odds are that Lomax is the first songwriter to use this kind of language in a love song. Note the jittery guitar dialogue and vaudevillian backing vocals. Recommended if you like They Might Be Giants and Pulp.

Weapons of Mass Destruction is released thru Sotones. Release date: April 1st.

Richard Lomax & The Tontine:
Richard Lomax: vocals, guitar
Si Borkin: bass
Dave Bertram: guitar
Oli Hughes: drums

The off-kiler video, made by Ric Jones, features footage from the silent movie age and fireworks to mark the starting point of falling in love.

Live dates:
  • 03/21 Liverpool @ Sound Food & Drink
  • 03/31 Sheffield @ The Cremorne
  • 04/03 London @ Amersham Arms for Artbeat Festival,
  • 04/07 Manchester @ Mono (single launch party)
  • 04/08 Preston @ Adelphi
  • 04/09 Liverpool @ Maguire's


HCTF review of I Cycle.

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