
October 04, 2016

Karuna: Sink Or Swim

Liverpool alternative rock quintet Karuna go for a broad sound on their debut single Sink Or Swim. Twin guitar counter-melodies, that come close to prog, are riding on top of shape-shifting rhythms. Lead singer Rosa Jane rose to the challenge with a voice that is part folk and part goth.

With such an ambitious song they needed an ace mastering guy and Pete Maher (Jack White, Noel Gallagher, The Rolling Stones) delivered a crystal clear sound in which each instrument and vocal line gets its place in the spotlights.

Rosa Jane: vocals
Lloyd Jones: guitar
Leo Watkins: guitar
Oliver Brown: bass, backing vocals
Ed Cuss: drums

Sink Or Swim is a self-released single. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from their website.

» Karuna on Facebook

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