
November 05, 2016

David Bowie: new edit of the "Life On Mars" video

Director and photographer Mick Rock did a new edit of the classic David Bowie video for Life On Mars. From The Guardian:

I had an amazing subject and an amazing song – this was the song that had turned me on to David – so what else did I need? David never looked like this at any other time. He never wore that suit again, never had that makeup on again. He never looked more amazing – like a space doll. When his videos got inducted into the Museum of Modern Art in New York, this was the one that everyone stood for – there were no distractions, no dancing girls, just David.

At the time it was hardly seen at all, and it gathered some serious moss. In the late 90s, David gave me the copyrights for the four videos I had made for him, because I had never been paid for them – not that I had looked for any money. So when Parlophone contacted me about re-editing it I said: absolutely. I had a little gem and I wanted to polish it into a state where it was absolutely perfect.


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