
November 15, 2016

Jim White: crowdfunding campaign for his new album

Alt-country American singer-songwriter and guitarist Jim White has launched a crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMusic to cover the recording costs of his new album. Plenty of perks are available, including out-of-print albums, pieces of his visual art and - for folks with deeper pockets - house concerts:

I’m making a new record here. It’s filled with all I have to offer, both in words and music. At this point the project is about half done and to cut to the chase, I’m not much for planning ahead particularly when it involves money. I was storming my way through this musical journey when I just just flat ran out of resources. I’d hoped to keep things simple and fund the record by myself, but my life savings have dwindled down to nothing and the project is far from complete.

The eleven tracks sketched out thus far are as full of life and meaning as anything I’ve ever attempted. I’m fortunate enough to live in town flush with talent and have enlisted a diverse group of players from the Athens area and beyond to flesh out this body of work. My goal when I set out to make a record is to gather as many of the musicians that I love and admire together and and then conspire to make something magical happen by pouring our hearts and souls into the ensuing communion.

Joining me on this effort is the amazing Americana duo Cicada Rhythm (think Billie Holliday meets Woody Guthrie), mountain folk wizards Hog-Eyed Man (razor sharp traditionalist fiddle band), the supercharged west coast duo Dead Rock West, plus a roster of familiar faces including the phenomenal Marlon Patton on drums and bass and Pat Hargon on guitar. Fine human beings one and all, amazing friends, gifted musicians! Lucky me!


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