
December 03, 2016

Johnny Dowd: new song "Mouthhole"

Americana outsider Johnny Dowd has put up a new song on his website: Mouthhole, the result of one of the perks of his crowdfunding campaign for his Execute American Folklore album.

Here’s a brand new Johnny song for you. Johnny wrote and recorded this for The Mouthhole who commissioned the song via his Indiegogo campaign earlier this year. The Mouthhole is a Nashville-based house venue run by Michael Sadler, Zac Caffrey, and Travis Caffrey. It hosts regular parties that feature live music, art, theater, and all things bizarre. It’s home to weirdo rock band The Chewers and electronic monkey man Chop Chop Chang.

Michael, Zac, and Travis created their own fund-raising campaign to raise money for their Johnny song in which they also wrote songs for donors. They wrote 36 songs altogether which are awesome! Be sure to check them out here. There’s even one written for Johnny.

Two other perks are now available from his website: Neon Baptist CDs (no longer in a tin box, but housed in a paper cover) and Zolar t-shirts.


HCTF review of Execute American Folklore.

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