
January 09, 2017

Callum Pitt: You'd Better Sell It While You Can

Being a child prodigy can be quite hazardous. After the novelty of being a young talent wears off, the folks that were so vocal about the bright future that surely would be in store for him, are keeping their mouths shut or - even worse - are venting their negative second thoughts. Callum Pitt is only 15 and everything is still cool and froody.

His debut single You'd Better Sell It While You Can is pushed forward by a piano and double tracked vocals - he even pulls off an above average falsetto. It is a well polished, quintessentially English pop song. Fans of the Arctic Monkeys and Fleet Foxes will welcome him to the club. Let's see if they won't revoke his membership if he fails to live up to the expectations, but for now they will be happy to buy him a soda.

You'd Better Sell It While You Can is a self-released single. Free download from his website.

Live date:
  • 02/10 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK @ Cluny 2


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