
January 18, 2017

Haunted Spurs: Manhattan b/w Tyrannosaurus Rx

Justin Daniel Rutz coems out swinging with his first double A-side single, Manhattan b/w Tyrannosaurus Rx. Haunted Spurs is baswically a one-man band and he played all the instrumnets, safe for the drums by Donovan Allen.

Clipping? Check? Bum notes? Quite a few. He is a guy who stumbles and falls, only to get up again and play even harder. His neighbours in Portland, Oregon, might think differently, after he set up shop in his bedroom to record these songs, but this one hell of a debut. Garage punk meets noise rock, good enough to land him some gigs besides his day job as a security guard. The folks at Dischord Records might want to drop him a line.

Manhattan b/w Tyrannosaurus Rx is a self-released single. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from his website.

» Haunted Spurs on Facebook

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