
March 23, 2017

Emporium: Dead In Bed

Ewan McKenzie's psychedelic pop project Emporium is back with a new EP, Dead In Bed. The three storytelling songs are loosely connected by a theme: being afraid of the dark and the nightmares that may come knocking during the night. McKenzie's signature keyboards can be soothing, scary, and deceptively joyous during Thin Yellow Dogs. He somehow managed to update the fairy tale pop sound of the Sixties with an early Eighties synth gloss.

McKenzie doesn't care about fads or being hip and happening. As a true Scotsman he cuts his own path, a twisting and turning claim to the right of way. Listeners are free to follow his whim or get lost in the process. One thing is for sure: it is interesting trip.

Dead In Bed is a self-released EP. Buy it from their website.

  1. Dead In Bed
  2. Thin Yellow Dogs
  3. A Fable

» Emporium on Facebook

HCTF review of The Electric Emporium.

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