
March 28, 2017

Little Person: Perfect Girls

Pop-rock duo Little Person have saved the best for the final single from their forthcoming EP I Feel Fine (out on April 3rd). Perfect Girls is a pocket symphony, a blend of jazz and superb West Coast pop that could be mistaken for a long lost Beach Boys song.

Tempo changes are handled with ease and Anton Patzner's violin gives the song a classical feel. They worked hard on this one, especially on the harmonies. There is no such thing as a perfect pop single, but they come damn close.

Little Person:
Nicky Weinbach: lead and background vocals and harmonies, acoustic guitar, drums, shaker, saxophone, organ, keyboard, hand claps
Max Weinbach: background vocals and harmonies, electric guitars, bass, trumpet, hand claps
Anton Patzner: violins

Live date:


HCTF review of Somebody Said.

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