
March 05, 2017

Low Horizon: Just Fine b​/​w After Party

Houston, TX lo-fi quartet Low Horizon have just released their single Just Fine b​/​w After Party, nearly half of the song from their forthcoming EP Four Songs too Long. The musical backgrounds of the band members are all over the place, but they share a love for maverick acts like Pavement and Yo La Tengo.

Taking into account that the drummer only recently took up her instrument - she used to be a respected clarinetist - and that the bass player only learned to play the instrument after he had joined the band, it's no wonder that they sound ragged and uneven. The vocals are out of tune pretty much all of the time as well. Still, the songs have an irresistible charm. with some nice hooks and a wavering melody.

Low Horizon:
John Gottlieb: guitar, vocals, synth
Brandon T. Cane: guitar, synth
David Dao: bass
Jasmine Fuller: drums

Just Fine b​/​w After Party is a self-released single. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from their website. The Four Songs too Long EP will be released on April 21.


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