
March 15, 2017

Will Whisson: Age of Wonder

It's tempting to pigeonhole UK singer-songwriter Will Whisson as yet another hipster with an acoustic guitar, the kind who wears out his welcome within about half a song or so. Listen more closely and discover his command of his chosen instrument, playing rhythm and melody, plus his lyrics go far beyond unreachable representatives of the fairer sex.

His stint as a member of indie pop band Electric River left him with a grab bag of infectious hooks and the confidence to go solo. His new EP Age of Wonder switches from a harp driven acoustic version of the Undertones (Tablelands) to the sad title track that offers a glimmer of hope. Whisson's nasal vocals could be an acquired taste fro fans of middle-of-road pop lovers, but they are a good fit for his serious brand of DIY indie folk inklings.

Age of Wonder is a self-released EP. Buy it from his website.

  1. Weightless
  2. All I Want
  3. Tablelands
  4. Age Of Wonder

Live dates:
  • 03/17 KUUB - Mechelen, Belgium
  • 03/18 The Cover - Ghent, Belgium
  • 03/19 Feelgood Market - Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 03/21 Elfde Gebod - Antwerp, Belgium
  • 03/22 Cafe De Loge - Ghent, Belgium
  • 03/23 La Porte Noire - Brussels, Belgium
  • 03/25 Haags Pop Centrum - Den Haag, Netherlands
  • 03/27 The Waterhole - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 03/28 Zinc Bar - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 03/30 Hofman Cafe - Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 03/31 Kargadoor - Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 04/04 Freundlich + Kompetent - Hamburg, Germany
  • 04/05 Harry’s New York Bar - Hanover, Germany
  • 04/07 The Tube - Luxembourg
  • 04/13 Schorsch Bar - Munich, Germany
  • 04/19 Culturcafe Smaragd - Linz, Austria
  • 04/20 Au - Vienna, Austria
  • 04/21 Vertigo Music Bar - Klagenfurt, Austria
  • 04/23 Dump - Treviso, Italy
  • 04/27 Hafechäs - Basel, Switzerland
  • 05/04 La Bretelle - Geneva, Switzerland


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