
May 30, 2017

Cyanna Mercury: Archetypes

photo: Anastacia Papadaki

Progressive psychedelic rock quintet Cyanna Mercury paint with broad strokes on their new album Archetypes. Lead singer Spyreas Sid has enough power to reach the back rows on a huge festival, but Nick Sid takes home the award for best musician in this Athens, Greece based band. He can make his instrument whisper and holler, invoke the acoustics of a huge cathedral or a sweaty blues club,. The band as a whole sounds massive and overpowering, while the lyrics deal with doom, loss and classic mythology, with songs about Hermes, Apollo and Lilith.

Arcehtypes is a black-and-white album - no time for the in between greys. When a woman does them wrong, she is Snake and Horse Dark As Night is creature from a next level nightmare. After all the horrors, the closing tracks here Will Be A Time comes as a misplaced Hollywood ending straight out of nowhere.

Cyanna Mercury:
Spyreas Sid: vocals, percussion
: keyboards
Diamond Pr: guitars, percussion
Dennis Panagiotidis: drums
Dimitri "Zilla" G: bass

Archetypes is a self-released album (vinyl, CD, digital). Buy it from their website.

  1. Horse Dark As Night
  2. Hermes
  3. The Lunatic
  4. Apollo
  5. Ode To The Absent Father
  6. Lilith
  7. If We Were Blind
  8. Nothing We Can Do
  9. Snake
  10. There Will Be A Time

Live dates:
  • 06/02 Patras, Greece @ Aneresis Patras
  • 08/04 Arad, Romania @ Dark Bombastic Evening
  • 08/03 Kragujevac, Serbia @ Skc
  • 08/05 Plovdiv, Bulgaria @ Club Void


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