
May 31, 2017

Milo's Planes: Individual Development Plan

photo: James Hwakins

Bristol foursome Milo's Planes play punk at breakneck speed on their new album Individual Development Plan, but there are some quieter moments too. Bands like Faith No More, Fugazi and the Pixies come to mind, acts that were able to connect anger and noise with catchy melodies.

A sense of skewed humour shimmers through most of the tracks, with Beach Bodies and Elastic Phrasing taking the piss in a Beastie Boys influenced manner. Individual Development Plan barrels through 12 tracks in roughly 20 minutes, bursting at the seams with energy. Don't blame them for getting speeding tickets after you cranked it up really fucking loud during a long drive.

Milo's Planes:
Joe Sherrin: guitar, vocals
Harry Sherrin: drums, vocals
Charlie Horne: bass
Sam Green: drums

Individual Development Plan is a self-released album (limited vinyl - 100 copies, digital). Buy it from their website.

  1. Nomads I
  2. Nomads II
  3. Fidget in Paralysis
  4. Looped Horizons
  5. Oliver
  6. Inertia
  7. Beach Bodies
  8. Catalyst
  9. Splinters
  10. Stifled Ambition
  11. Elastic Phrasing
  12. Kings

Live dates:
  • 06/08 London, UK @ Windmill Brixton
    (w/ JOHN, We Wild Blood)
  • 06/09 Margate, UK @ Art's Cool Presents: Tom Thumb Theatre
    (w/ Frau Pouch)
  • 06/10 Brighton, UK @ The Hope & Ruin
    (Frank & Beans 'Love Your Dog' EP Release)
  • 06/16 Bristol, Uk The Old England Pub
    (w/ Yo No Se, The Plainviews)

» Milo's Planes on Facebook

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