
May 07, 2017

Missiles of October: Better Days

Stoner punk metal trio Missiles of October have been making noise for years. All three members can hand over a lengthy resume listing previous stints with bands in the Belgian underground. Their latest album is called Better Days, a smack in the face and a punch of guts. Yes, it's dirty, but also possesses that rare quality of being "tight but loose".

Better Days is nihilistic and angry as fuck. The songs won't let go and after a little over half an hour the listener is finally allowed to catch his breath again, pummeled into submission, but smiling uncontrollably. Recommended if you like Fugazi, Faith No More and the Dead Kennedys (without the politics).

Missiles of October:
Lionel Beyet: bass & scream
Bob Seytor: drums
Mathias Salas: guitar & scream

Better Days is released by a string of indie labels (vinyl, CD, cassette). Digital (pay-what-you-want) from their website.

  1. State of Crisis
  2. No Brain No Headache
  3. Satisfaction in Nothing
  4. Better Days
  5. Everyday
  6. Loser
  7. Chainsaw
  8. Problems
  9. Blah-blah-blah
  10. Two Feet in Sludge

Live dates:
  • 05/13 Bruxelles @ Bunker + Krakenizer
  • 07/01: Liege @ No Dirty Rules Festival
  • 09/22 La Louviere @ La Taverne du Theatre
  • 09/23 Mons @ Coin des Étoiles

» Missiles of October on Facebook

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