
August 24, 2017

The Dresden Dolls: shows in Washington & Boston

Punk cabaret band The Dresden Dolls reform for four shows in the Fall. Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione urge their audience to dress to kill to mark the occasion:

Halloween and the act of transforming yourself outwardly to strut your inner, totem-animal are in the very life blood of The Dresden Dolls. From the very first time we played the Paradise in autumn 2003 for our debut album release, we called on our fans and friends to come dressed to the nines for the occasion, and soon it spread worldwide via our most spunky followers in The Brigade. It's a perfect time to celebrate the Ruby Red 40th Anniversary of this classic Boston rock venue, and the 14th Band-iversary of the cities stripiest duo.
Live dates:
  • 10/31 Washington, D.C. @ 9:30 Club
  • 11/03 Boston, MA @ Paradise
  • 11/04 Boston, MA @ Paradise
  • 11/06 Boston, MA @ Paradise

Here is the film of the CD release show of the band's debut album at The Paradise in Boston on September 26th, 2003.


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