
February 28, 2018

Amy Winehouse: first demo "My Own Way"

Composer Gil Cang has shared the first demo that Amy Winehouse recorded in September 2001 when she was 17. My Own Way, co-written with James Mcmillan and Maryanne Morgan, was put to tape in only three takes at his studio in Camden. The music is a bit tinny, but the vocal delivery is great.

Cang in an interview with the Camden New Journal:

We’d been writing quite a lot of pop tunes, doing a lot of pop promos with various artists who would come in, many of various, dubious talent. It was at a particularly dire time in the pop world – lots of terrible, terrible girl bands and boy bands and we had to make something for them. Amy came in to see us, opened her mouth and just blew us all away


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