
May 18, 2018

Borka Balogh: Traces Of You

Hungarian indie folk singer Borka Balogh moved to Amsterdam a couple of years ago and turned some heads with her debut single Let This Be The Last Song. Her first EP Traces Of You finds her expanding her musical palette, with hints of vaudeville (Prague and chamber pop (The Disappearance Of Our Spotless Love) and straight up English folk (About A Warrior).

Her dreamy voice is always smack in the middle of the mix, with the musicians sounding like they were set up in a circle around her. The keyword for her music is delicate. Serious folk fans should own this.

Borka Balogh, Linde Tillmanns & Daan van der Spek: vocals
Borka Balogh, Remy de Kok & Daan van der Spek: guitar
Dany Aguirre Broca & Onno Witte: percussion
Yaresh Soekhlal: bass
Linde Tillmanns: piano, violin
Tom Faulkner & Onno Witte: synths
Jeroen Pek : flute

Traces Of You is a self-released EP (digital, limited CD). Buy it from her website.

  1. Cold (Intro)
  2. Trust Me
  3. Prague
  4. The Disappearance Of Our Spotless Love
  5. About A Warrior
  6. The End
  7. Traces Of You (Outro) (w/ Josua Vroegop)


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