
June 03, 2018

Big Lazy: crowdfunding campaign for sixth album

NYC based gritty jazz trio Big Lazy have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to cover the costs for their sixth album, the long overdue follow-up of Don't Cross Myrtle.

Big Lazy calling. Thanks for being here. If you took part in our 2014 Kickstarter campaign we appreciate your support. If you are a newcomer thanks for taking the time to check out our story. We all hear talk about the death of the music industry. The thing is, Big Lazy has thrived on the outskirts of the music business. Since 1990 we’ve produced and promoted our own product and shows. It’s a non-stop grind, and I love it. Today we are asking for your support as we embark on Big Lazy’s sixth album.

They are aiming to raise $26,000. Right now they are at $8,774, with 18 days to go.


HCTF review of Don't Cross Myrtle.

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