
December 23, 2018

Download all Jumble Hole Clough, Churn Milk Joan and Big Block 454 albums for free

photo: Jason Elliot

Colin Robinson is offering free downloads of 50 albums of avant-garde eccentricity from his Jumble Hole Clough, Big Block 454 and Churn Milk Joan projects. The perfect antidote for Christmas carols and Disney-fied fodder that is clogging up the airwaves

For the entire Christmas period, you can download the entire catalogue of albums by Jumble Hole Clough, Churn Milk Joan and Big Block 454 ABSOLUTELY FREE!
That’s 50 albums (I’ve just counted them).
Shut out the outside world and all those annoying people for days on end.
Colin is a musician who makes eccentricity look bland and mainstream.”
You can’t say fairer than that.
Start by having a listen to this.

» Jumble Hole Clough on Facebook
» Churn Milk Joan on Facebook

HCTF review of Bats Tidied Up Heliport (Jumble Hole Clough).
HCTF review of Der Traum eines Kindes (Churn Milk Joan).

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