
May 24, 2019

Rose Ette: Ignore the Feeling

Houston based jangling indie pop band Rose Ette cover the middle ground between sunny Sixties pop and the softer side of bands like the Pixies on their first full-length Ignore the Feeling. Guitarists Teresa Vicinanza and Daniela Hernandez trade licks and share vocal duties with concise lyrics about rocky relationships, avoiding unwanted attention, and trying to ignore party invitations that get in the way of feeling glum and angry after being hurt yet again.

Make no mistake - they fight back. In hindsight the glory of bubblegum pop were a lot tougher than occasional listeners might realize. Rose Ette =warp their songs in colourful wrapping paper, but the content is truthful and in-your-face. A fair warfnign to any Predator who might try to get the upper hand

Rose Ette:
Teresa Vicinanza: vocals, guitar
Daniela Hernandez: vocals, guitar
Jessica Baldauf: bass
John Baldwin: drums

Ignore the Feeling is released via Miss Champagne Records. Buy it form their website (blue vinyl, digital)

  1. All The Way
  2. Skin
  3. Ignore the Feeling
  4. Mask
  5. So Close
  6. Mirrors
  7. Never Gonna Get It
  8. Awake
  9. Predator


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