
March 19, 2020

Earthset: L'Uomo Meccanico

Italian alt-rock/psychedelic band Earthset were invited to create a soundtrack for the silent film L'Uomo Meccanico. Released in 1921 the movie is a prime sample of experimental Dystopian sci-fi cinema. No complete prints of this story about a murderous robot ("The Mechanical Man") and its successor that was build to beat him have survived. It is regarded as a lost classic and a big influence on the far better known Fritz Lang's movie Metropolis that came out in 1927.

Performing live to stay in sync with the footage the transfer to the 21st century went smoothly. Following the eight chapters the band uses recurring themes for the portrayed characters and its gets quite intense and harsh when the original robot joins the dark side. The guitars is alternate between early Seventies prog and Nineties metal, while the bass leans to New Wave and the drums could be labeled as grunge. The album is perfectly suited to be enjoyed as a stand-alone piece of art. Hopefully they can resume touring with the simultaneous screening of the movie. Created a century apart these two versions L'Uomo Meccanico deserve a worldwide audience made up of film buffs and adventurous music fans.

Luigi Varanese: bass
Ezio Romano: guitar
Costantino Mazzoccoli: guitar
Emanuele Orsini: drums

L'Uomo Meccanico is released via Dischi Bervisti/Koe Records.

  1. Cap. I - Preludio
  2. Cap. II - Il Fuoco
  3. Cap. III - L'inganno
  4. Cap. IV - La Festa
  5. Cap. V - L'Uomo Meccanico
  6. Cap. VI - La Fuga
  7. Cap. VII - Il Ballo
  8. Cap. VIII - Lo Scontro

» Earthset on Facebook

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