
March 29, 2020

Stolen Apple: Wagon Songs

Italian psychedelic post-punk band Stolen Apple are based in Florence, a city that is considered to be ground zero for the Renaissance, when humankind finally got out of the Middle Ages - from darkness back to the light basically. They are more interested in what is hiding in the shadows, picking subjects like Suicide and Out of Fashion that are very much part of life, whether people like it or not. Harsh, distorted guitars, alternating with quiet interludes, give their songs a captivating edge. The sole ballad A Looking Behind Kid offers the listener a change to catch its breath, before the hectic rocker Tattoo kicks in.

Wagon Songs is dark and dangerous. Stolen Apple don't want to put listeners at ease, but overpower them with crashing waves of monolithic riffs. Recommended if you like Muse and The Jesus and Mary Chain.

Stolen Apple:
Luca Petrarchi: guitar, vocals
Riccardo Dugini: guitar, vocals
Alessandro Pagani: drums, vocals
Massimiliano Zatini: bass, keyboards, vocals

Wagon Songs is a self-released album. Buy it from their website.

  1. Suicide
  2. Renegade Sun (Brexit)
  3. It's Up Your Mind
  4. Masturbation
  5. Out of Fashion
  6. A Looking Behind Kid
  7. Tattoo
  8. Passion
  9. Easier

» Stolen Apple on Facebook

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