
July 21, 2020

Jim White: crowdfunding campaign for new album "Misfit Jubliee"

Country noir musician Jim White has launched a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to cover the costs for his new album Misfit Jubliee. He really wants to avoid working at Wal Mart to make some extra cash. so he is offering a wide variety of "rewards".

Hello fans, old friends, new newcomers, various stalkers, beloved debt collectors, legions of vectoring sycophants, etc.

Welcome to my latest crowdfunding extravaganza. It’s Lets Make A Deal time over here in Jim White Weirdoville. So belly up to the virtual bar and let’s do a little horse trading. This go-round I got a stellar batch of off-the wall, one-of-a-kind goods to throw your way in exchange for some much needed contributions to the overall recording fund. Albums as exotically complicated as mine ain’t cheap to make—hell, the mix alone on this thing ran me five grand.

Most times it’s multiples of years in-between my quixotic releases, but this baby here, it was in quite the hurry to get born. I tracked the core material about this time last year over there in the wilds of Antwerp, Belgium, working with these two top shelf European musical lunatics by the name of "Geert" and "Nicolas". Those boys and me, we go way back, touring all over the UK and Europe and what have you and we've been talking for years about cutting loose on some of my faster, more raw material. Expectations were sky high and once we sat our boney white asses down in the studio over in Antwerp and locked into the groove there was no question said expectations would be wildly exceeded. And ain’t it grand when some cockamamie plan coalesces seamlessly?

My creative approach is wildly counterintuitive and so recording can be fairly labor intensive, if not downright psychologically grueling. But after ten arduous days there in Antwerp we had the basics for Misfit’s Jubilee covered, whereupon I toted said core recordings home and remixed the high holy hell out of them for a mere five months, which is roughly a year shy of my usual remix timetable. If you ever wondered why my records sound so freaky-deeky-kinda-uniquey, it's due to my affinity/compulsion for turning things inside out, then back again, over and over, on and on and so forth in a fairly OCD manic fashion.

As for the material on Misfit’s Jubilee—warning, long time fans, this ain’t no mopey Americana outing. Nope. That’ll be the next record (which I’ve already written thanks to our mutual acquaintances, Mr. Pandemic and his lovely wife Covid). This one here, like the name implies, is decidedly upbeat, albeit circling my usual low-brow themes: lonely crackpots, screwball dreamers, misguided outsiders and of course your basic clueless romantic types. And like I said, from the get-go this thing jumps and hops and bops, so fans of my usual depressing down-tempo output will just have to look elsewhere for dismal inspiration. I suggest checking in with any major news outlet.

So for the campaign here I made a typically convoluted video to explain the various rewards on offer, most of them handmade by yours truly. God knows I can’t do anything normal, not if you were to put a damn machine gun to my head and bark at me like a rabid dog. I’m just hard wired to do things different. So take a gander at what’s on offer and pitch in if you can.

Misfit's Jubilee will be released the first week of October, but you can hear it the last week of September by opting for any of the perks and rewards listed.

Any help is much appreciated. Y’all take care and thank you in advance for the tsunami of support I can feel careening my way. Stay safe and keep it between the ditches.

» Jim White:on Facebook

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