
August 17, 2020

The Embryos: SCV3

Chicago based indie quartet band The Embryos cover the middle-ground between power pop and psychedelic indie rock. Their latest EP SCV3 (Singles Club Vol. 3) features three tracks with superb call-and-response vocals and carefully applied echo and reverb on the guitars. The lyrics deserve careful scrutiny - casual listeners might not realize that I Wanna Be Your Sa is not about a rival suitor, but about a cat who gets more attention from the wife than the husband is willing to deal with.

The band's subtlety is obviously inspired by Teenage Fanclub, but those Scottish precursors are no match for their harmonizing. SCV3 should be enjoyed in solitude or in the company of loved ones who have the decency to hold their tongue once the music has started.

The Embryos: SCV3

The Embryos:
Brian Daley: vocals, bass, guitar
Finn Swingley: vocals, guitar, piano
George T Drag: vocals, guitar, piano, percussion
Joe Daley: vocals, drums

SCV3 is a self-released EP. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from their website.

  1. I Wanna Be Your Sam
  2. Golden State
  3. Where Were You

» The Embryos on Facebook

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