
October 25, 2020

Vacance: Nos Futurs

French synth New Wave trio Vacance serve up a mix of French Sixties pop and Eigthies pop that sounds sunny at first, but it's not that carefree. Things have gone wrong in their lifes as well and they are not afraid to discuss their failures and doubts. Their Nos Futurs finds them in a bit of a flux. They have shed a few responsibilties and hope to fulfill their dream to make it as a retro synth band - think OMD fronted by Charlotte Gainsbourg, but they shy away from fully committing themselves.

Irony can be a weapon to keep the world at arm's length and they put it to good use in their lyrics. The music sounds cheerful, with all the breaks, beeps and purrs from yesteryear stacked upon each other until it almost comes crashing down. Fans of Kraftwerk can relate to their production values, but it's not as stoic and impenetrable. Vacance make it sound like it is always Summer, but that does not mean that it has to be sunny and warm all of time.

Nos Futurs is released via Melotron Recordings (CD, digital).

  1. Bord de mer
  2. Cristallisation
  3. Les cheveux au vent
  4. Mes précieuses
  5. L'enfer
  6. Tu m'aimeras ou j'en mourrai
  7. Paris
  8. Et tout s'écroule
  9. Non, ne me dis pas
  10. Rêves
  11. Polaire

» Vacance on Facebook


  1. I love the last sentence!
    Perfectly nailed.

    Thanks a lto for this review.

  2. I wantedto share the link on our fb page, but it's blocked, they must infer that it's an "unsage" link.
