John Airo has created an animated video for Perdition's Hill, the latest single by Black Friars Social Club, a music project based in Chicago founded by singer and songwriter Mark Panick. His style fits the theme of the gothic folk song like a glove. Thinking about the possibilty of an afterlife has been inspriration for artists of all disciplines: "It is a prime example of old school storytelling - an old soul is punished to walk the hill for all eternity, but it could have been worse. Unlike what happened to Sisyphus, there is no boulder involved. The track moves slowly, as if to channel the tiredness of the unnamed protagonist. Honorable mention for Max Crawford, whose playing of both the Flugelhorn and a muted coronet gives the track an extra, somewhat comforting layer".
Perdition's Hill is released via Underwear Factory Toy Records. Buy it from their website.
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HCTF review of Perdition's Hill.
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