
October 11, 2022

Native Sun: When She

NYC rockers Native Sun are in a flux on their latest single, When She. One time there was a lady they loved dearly in their life, and the next "poof", she's gone. It is subject that has been covered countless times, but the hurt is almost palpable. Changes are that they listened to a lot of Oasis when they recorded it, with muscular machismo rock playing catch with the poppy melody. The video was directed by Conor Cunningham.

It is a track from their forthcoming EP Off With Our Heads EP, due for release on October 14th. Available for pre-order (vinyl, cassette, digital) here.

Live dates:
  • 10/18 Elsewhere (Hall)- Brooklyn, NY (supporting For Slift)
  • 10/25 Baby’s Allright - Brooklyn, NY (EP Release Show)
  • 10/28 The ColoNY - Woodstock, NY (w/ Geese And The Bobby Lees)
  • 10/29 Irving Plaza - New York, NY (w/ Fidlar)
  • 10/31 Haunted Hop Spooctular @ Knockdown Center - Queens, NY
  • 11/10 Armageddon Beach Party - Detroit, MI
  • 11/11 Beachland Tavern - Cleveland, OH


HCTF review of There's Revolution.

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