
October 29, 2022

The Fierce & The Dead: "Photogenic Love" video

English experimentalist quartet The Fierce & The Dead have made a video for their latest single, Photogenic Love: "Now that they have added vocals to their mix all bets of where they may go next are off. Kev Feazey even sounds a bit Jarvis Cocker in his phrasing now, but long time fans can rest assured when they unleash a barrage of guitars, bearing their signature avant-rock that has made them famous - or loved and cherished at least - in music geeks circles".

Photogenic Love is released via Spencer Park Music. Buy it from their website. A "purist" instrumental remix and the previously unreleased ambient excursion Photopsychic Love - are up on there as well.


HCTF review of Photogenic Love.

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