
November 20, 2022

LOGOUT: Π​​​ο​​​ν​​​έ​​​μ​​​ε​​​λ​​​α

Greek singer, songwriter and producer LOGOUT once again sings in his native tongue on his new album, Πονέμελα, a collection of purring, lo-fi folk songs about pain (ponos) and carelessness (anemela). Nikos Thessalonikeus has his back with inventive drum parts as the safety net for his freeflowing soundscapes.

He has embraced his demons and worries, not as much by trying to surpress them, but by taking them for granted as part of life. His vocals sound totally at ease, with the gentle Κι Εγ and the '60s tinged blues Κυριακή, a duet with fellow Athenian singer Miss Trichromi, as the standout tracks.

Πονέμελα is released via Tiny Room Records and Inner Ear Records (vinyl, digital).

  1. ΚΚιθάρα
  2. Αδιάβροχο
  3. Ημερολόγιο
  4. Αμάξι
  5. Κι Εγώ
  6. Πυρετός
  7. Ρολόγια
  8. Κυριακή feat. Δεσποινίς Τρίχρωμη
  9. Αυγούστου


HCTF review of ΕΔΩ/ΕΚΕΙ.

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