
July 27, 2023

B. Hamilton: Other Lives of Magic and Wonder and Whatever

Oakland lo-fi garage rock duo B. Hamilton think outside the box on their new EP Other Lives of Magic and Wonder and Whatever. They included a cover of Wand'rin' Star and wrote a song inspired by Tyler Wagner. They try to get away from the usual fare, without foregoing catchy melodies and danceable back beats.

Singer and multi-instrumentalist Ryan Parks' at ease vocal delivery is in full force in I Bought a Lottery Ticket, sounding like a cross between Gerry Rafferty and Jim White. Drummer Raj laid down a twisted groove for Kyle Thinks a lot of Very Cool Thoughts. The duo enlisted the help of Joel Robinow for a bit of piano and singer Rosie Steffy, who sprinkled a couple of choice notes on top of Rhododendrons and Daisies.

If anything, Other Lives of Magic and Wonder and Whatever is about looking on the bright side of life, even when facing a stacked deck. All together now: "Tomorrow I’ll be a trillionaire And none of this will matter much // I bought a lottery ticket on the way home from church // And man I feel lucky as fuck // Oh man // God I feel lucky as fuck".

B. Hamilton: Other Lives of Magic and Wonder and Whatever

Other Lives of Magic and Wonder and Whatever is a self-released EP. Buy it from their website.

  1. Don't Ever Hide Your Face
  2. I Bought a Lottery Ticket
  3. Kyle Thinks a lot of Very Cool Thoughts
  4. Rhododendrons and Daisies (Tyler Wagner Wrote This Song)
  5. Wand'rin' Star

» B. Hamilton on Facebook

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