
November 16, 2023

Kristóf Hajós: Geography

Hungarian singer Kristóf Hajós sings about feeling at home and being at a loss simultaneously on his new album Geography. Now based in Amsterdam he has been all over the place and finding his bearings after yet another move can be time consuming and nerve wrecking. Resorting to build one's own Imaginary World can offer some solace and dreaming of exploring outerspace (Intergalactic) might work as well. Another version of There Are No Mountains was previously released as a single, but the new. slightly shorter version about living in a flat country works even better.

He sings softly, forcing the listener to hang unto each word - imagine Leonard Cohen using an upper register that comes to crooning. With like-minded Dutch musician Stefan Breuer once again pitching in with tailormade songs for him to sing solo - Princess - and as a duet - Plenty of Light - it looks that Hajós is not going anywhere else soon. He is a very welcome addition to the lo-fi folk underground in the Netherlands.

Kristóf Hajós: Geography

Geography is a self-released album. Buy it from their website.

  1. I'm Making Waves
  2. Intergalactic
  3. There Are No Mountains (album version)
  4. Imaginary World
  5. Princess
  6. Everybody Loves Somebody Else
  7. Cool Rivers
  8. Alien
  9. Plenty of Light (ft. The World of Dust)

Live dates:
  • 12/01 Amsterdam, The Netherlands @ De Roode Bioscoop
    (w/ The World of Dust)


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