
March 04, 2024

murkla: Leviata

Swedish musicians Mattias Lagerkvist goes lo-fi on Leviata, the new album by his murkla project. Seven murky drones lead the way to Eulisis, home of the mysteries for an initation rite to become an adult in Ancient Greece. He recorded it on beat-uop four track recorder, making the tape hiss an integral part of the process. He honours the old adage that repetitions only work when it seems to go on forever, in order to induce a trance-like state (and leaving the ones who can't handle it behind).

With a mangled bass as the foundation he added field recordings and seemingly random bits of percussion. And while it is not as forebidding as the Theatre of Eternal Music or Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music it is a definitely an acquired taste to fully appreciate. He reaches a level that bands like Sonic Youth shied away from.

murkla: Leviata

Leviata is released via Terrorific Rekords. Buy it (cassette, digital) from his website.

  1. Earthdiver
  2. Fish Scale Cloud
  3. Pangea II
  4. Shiny Beast
  5. Green Godless
  6. Leviata
  7. The Rain Song


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