
June 24, 2024

Greaser Phase: Greaser Phase

Greaser Phase

NYC garage rock duo Greaser Phase play good times old school rock 'n' roll, with a bit of power pop thrown in for good measure. Jonny Couch (vocals) and Benny Imbriani (guitar, bass) enlisted drummer Kevin Shea to keep the beat for the tracks on their self-titled debut album, honouring the adage that each song could be a single. Their back to basics approach paid off in spades, be it the Stonesy main riff in False Paradise, or Couch channeling his inner Joey Ramone for Love is Guaranteed.

If anything they set out to to have a lot of fun, banging out a fresh sounding collection of catchy timeless originals. They keep it simple and basic, which is actually quite difficult to pull off. Expect a lot of appreciative nodding and bobbing when they play live. O, and lots of air guitarists trying to play along and failing miserably.

Greaser Phase: Greaser Phase

Greaser Phase is released via Shambotic Recordings. Release date: June 28.

  1. Lonely Hearts Killers
  2. Back in California
  3. Believe It
  4. I Miss That Rock & Roll Band
  5. Love is Guaranteed
  6. Knockin on Your Window
  7. The Belle of Clarksville, Mississippi
  8. Nervous Minds
  9. False Paradise
  10. Over and Out

Live date:
  • 06/30 Brooklyn, NY @ 18th Ward Brewing

» Greaser Phase on Facebook

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