Facts, fables, fear & loathing

Need exposure?
Of course you do. What's the use of making brilliant music and not telling the world about it?
You know what? A review on Here Comes The Flood is a good starting point for your future world domination.

Facts, figures and such. For free! Get one while supplies last.
How many people are working for Here Comes The Flood?
One. Me.
Why music?
Hey, music is a great subject to write about. I do tons of album and single reviews. And you can use lots of multimedia thingies like videos, MP3s and such. My neighbours listen to good music, whether they like it or not.
HCTF is on the 'net since 2004, still going strong, and updated daily. Yes, daily.
What's in it for you?
Free stuff! Free stuff! Free stuff! Mind you, part of it is crap. A huge part in fact. See also: Submitting your music for a HCTF review: the complete idiot's guide to sending me free stuff.
Who are you?
is a great song by The Who.
Me? My name is Hans Werksman, I am a man and I live in The Netherlands. Don't bother me with personal inquiries. This blog is about music, not about me. Life blogging sucks.
Who is John Cale?
A great musician.
Is Here Comes The Flood named after the Peter Gabriel song?
Yes, see for your self.
How do I contact you?
What? You missed the big contact link near the top the page?
I'm in a band and have some information/music I want you to know about.
Guess what. Contact me? Yes. See also: Submitting your music for a HCTF review: the complete idiot's guide to sending me free stuff.
I work for a PR company and we handle the publicity for ...
Ok, contact me. See also: Submitting your music for a HCTF review: the complete idiot's guide to sending me free stuff.
Can I advertise on Here Comes The Flood?
Ad schemes are ugly, fuck up the look-and-feel and - most importantly - are unpredictable. Who wants to see an ad by Scientology? O, you do? Please fuck off then.
Do you accept guest blogs on Here Comes The Flood?
Let's face it, that is just another name for advertising.
I want to be a music blogger too!
You can. Just do it. The complete idiot's guide to getting free stuff might be useful.
No comment option on this page. There's no point, you see.